Sponsorship Packages

Would you like to be an EMCT sponsor?

Program Ad Space

Place an ad in our programs. There are options for full or half page ads as well as per show or full season ad space.

We also welcome show and season partner sponsors. Click More Info for each option to learn more.

Half Page Ad (1 show)

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Half page ad for one show (we default to our next show but if you would like to sponsor a particular show, please let us know). This includes a social media shoutout and live pre-show announcement. Also includes 1 ticket to the show.

Full Season Half Page Ad

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Half page ad for full season show (at least 4 shows a year). This includes a social media shoutout, thank you in our newsletter and live pre-show announcement. Also includes 1 season pass.

Full Season Full Page Ad

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Full page ad for full season show (at least 4 shows a year). This includes a social media shoutout, thank you in our newsletter and live pre-show announcement. Also includes 2 season passes.

Show Partner Sponsor

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  • Sponsor a full show under your name, with recognition on all related advertisements. The show would be billed as  “presented by [your name/company]”.
  • Receive verbal acknowledgment during the show, as well as in the program, on social media, and in our newsletter as the official show sponsor.
  • Includes 5 complimentary tickets to the show.

Season Partner Sponsor

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  • Sponsor an entire season under your name, with recognition on all show advertisements throughout the season. The season would be billed as “presented by [your name/company]”.
  • Receive verbal acknowledgment at every show, as well as in the program, on social media, and in our newsletters throughout the season as the official season sponsor.
  • Includes 4 season passes.

If you sign up mid-season, you’ll still receive program recognition, social media mentions, and shoutouts at all remaining shows, with your official season sponsorship starting at the beginning of the next season.


As a charitable, non profit organization, The Eagle Mountain Community Theatre relies on fundraising, donations and sponsorship in order to continue to bring amazing shows and opportunities to our city. Fees and ticket sales only cover 65% of the cost of our programming each year. Donors like you help us to bridge the gap and bring you high quality productions. Your generous donation is also tax deductible. 

All sponsorship levels include advertisement placements in our playbill. Our playbill is personally placed into the hands of our patrons – your prospective customer – at every performance, and we anticipate an audience of at least 300 people each production. Our patrons predominantly consist of people from Eagle Mountain, Saratoga Springs but we have had theatre goers anywhere from Salt Lake, Heber and Provo and everywhere in between. It’s a great opportunity to get your business in front of them.